Caring for the Whole Person
We strategically partner with organizations in Colombia that work with children and early adolescents who have been identified as victims of displacement, violence within their family, sexual abuse, poverty, neglect, or malnutrition.
Children receive assistance through educational programs to improve academic levels and accelerate learning curve.
Lunch is provided daily, Monday- Friday. Medication, school uniforms and supplies are also provided as needed.
Includes counseling for children and their families in an effort to transform the heart and mind and help improve their quality of life through Gods word.
The Problem
Overview In Colombia
While other Latin American and Caribbean nations are fighting against inequality, poverty, or violence, Colombia has simultaneously faced all three. The problem in Colombia is extremely complex. Due to the long-running internal conflict, since 1985, Colombia has experienced some of the highest numbers of IDPs globally: 7.9 million people*. The term IDP (internally displaced person) and other terminology do not come close to doing justice to the truly awful experience of being displaced – disoriented, traumatized, fearful, dis-empowered, and dependent. Consequently, children are the ones that suffer most. Our entire team is dedicated to making a difference in disadvantaged children's lives in a country with over 30% of their population under 14 and almost 40% under 18. There are not many places in the western hemisphere where children are exposed to conditions they face in Colombia. Admittedly things are much better than a decade ago, but there is still much more work to be done. Here are just a few of the chilling statistics.
Child Soldiers
- 8,000 -15,000 child soldiers are fighting with one of the remaining guerilla groups — 4th highest in the world.
- Every two days a child is kidnapped – mostly to fight in the guerilla armies
- Half of the recruits are young women and girls
Child Prostitution
- Colombia is a major source and transit country for women and girls trafficked for sexual exploitation
- 35,000 young women and girls forced in to the commercial sex trade.
- 10,000 girls and 1,000 boys work the streets of Bogota every night.
Child labor
- 200,000 to 400,000 children work in illegal mining operations.
- 50% of the children working between 12 and 13 years old do not receive income.
- 50% of youth between 14 and 17 years do not receive the equivalent of half the minimum wage
Street Children
- There are 15,000 – 30,000 children living on the streets in the cities of Colombia, many are targeted for "social cleansing."
- 46% of people in Colombia live in poverty ($143 Mo.)
- 17% of those people live in extreme poverty ($2 or less per day.)
Sources: CIA
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